9. Nutrition and Blood

First line drugs Second line drugs Specialist drugs Secondary care drugs
Recommended in both primary and secondary care Alternatives (often in specific conditions) in both primary and secondary care; Where a specialist input is needed (see introduction for definition) Prescribing principally within secondary care only

Traffic light status (TLS) explained:

  • Green: Routine prescribing within licensed indication
  • Amber 1: specialist recommendation followed by GP initiation and continuation
  • Amber 2: specialist or GP initiation in line with local guideline after 1st line failure followed by GP continuation
  • Amber 3: specialist initiation and stabilisation followed by GP continuation
  • Amber SCG: specialist initiation and stabilisation followed by GP continuation in line with an agreed shared care guideline
  • Red: Hospital or specialist prescribing only
  • Double Red: These medicines have been evaluated and rejected by MKPAG and are NOT approved for use within MK. They are not recommended for use because of lack of clinical effectiveness, cost effectiveness or safety.



  • A number of controls have been imposed on prescribing drugs in this chapter on FP10 prescriptions by the Selective List Scheme (SLS) or the Advisory Committee on Borderline Substances (ACBS). Drugs affected are highlighted SLS or ACBS and the explanatory notes provide further guidance.
  • Doctors within secondary care are asked not to ask GPs to prescribe drugs outside of the controls imposed by SLS and ACBS. 




9.1 Anaemias

9.2 Iron overload

9.3 Neutropenia and stem cell mobilisation

9.4 Platelet disorders

9.5 Fluid and Electrolyte imbalances

9.6 Metabolic disorders

9.7 Mineral and trace element deficiencies

9.8 Nutrition (intravenous)

9.9 Nutrition (oral)

9.10 Vitamin deficiency





Last updated by: Dupe Fagbenro on 26-02-2019 17:21