1.8 Obesity

First line drugs Second line drugs Specialist drugs Secondary care drugs

Traffic light status (TLS) explained:

  • Green: Routine prescribing within licensed indication
  • Amber 1: specialist recommendation followed by GP initiation and continuation
  • Amber 2: specialist or GP initiation in line with local guideline after 1st line failure followed by GP continuation
  • Amber 3: specialist initiation and stabilisation followed by GP continuation
  • Amber SCG: specialist initiation and stabilisation followed by GP continuation in line with an agreed shared care guideline
  • Red: Hospital or specialist prescribing only


Useful resources


National Guidance





Lipase Inhibitors  


Orlistat (Amber 1)

  • Capsules 120mg







Return to Chapter: 1. Gastro-Intestinal System

Last updated by: Dupe Fagbenro on 05-02-2019 15:57